23. 11. 2009

Photos of Brno still wanted: deadline postponed

Last two weeks we were overwhelmed with pictures sent by expats living or studying in Brno, new pieces are still coming to our mailbox. That is why we leave more time for you and your friends or collegues to share their views to our city. The deadline for sending photos from Brno expats has been postponed until December 31, 2009.

Please mind the contest rules for more information and take a look at the previous examples. We don't expect professional works only and will appreciate all relevant and original photos. Here is a few more examples we have chosen for your inspiration (no specific order)...

1) “Suburban communication disorder:” - by Maja Pečar
2) “Avion” - by Anna Jabłońska

3) “Prázdninový podvečer” - Medzi zastávkami Rybkova a Tábor, Linka č.3 - by Dušan Šimonovič
4) “Theatre at Half Past Seven” - by Monika Niebelska

5) “Urban lighthouse” - Everytime I get lost in Brno I find my way back home guided by this urban lighthouse - by Monika Niebelska
6) “Nunn for All Seasons” - Ceska, Brno Centrum - by Graeme Fairweather

7) “Hochmanova street in Lisen” - I don't like winter in Brno. It's rainy and very cold - by Heeja Sung
8) “Train Station” - This photo is about beautiful people of Czech Republic - by David Quere

2 komentáře:

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What's with the results?

Anonymní řekl(a)...

The jurors have already made the broader selection and the finalists are just being informed these days. I expect the winner to be announced still this month.

Vlastimil Veselý