17. 4. 2008

What Brno expats say II

My previous post summarizing our last OpenCoffee discussion concentrated on what expats miss in Brno. Here I'm picking up a few comments on what are the main incentives to stay and what could also be the reasons for newcomers to relocate to Brno and possibly start a new business here.

East-West bridge
The city has clear competitive advantages for businessmen and managers - skilled, educated and hard working people at reasonable price. Moreover Brno is an attractive location not far from western Europe and at the same time the gateway to the eastern markets.

Quality of life
No, it's not a phrase of social engineering. Creative people look not only for good business or job opportunities. They also pay attention to local people, environment and authentic culture when choosing the place to live. No surprise the Moravian girls and women were mentioned among the main attractors. Next to low criminality and beautiful countryside around they make foreigners feel comfortable and safe here.

Brno is a middle sized city with the good public transport. Easy commuting and foot access are important factors as well.

You are welcome to add your comments and tell us your story. What keeps you in Brno and what are your favourite places here?

All the contributors will be invited to the next expats meeting. It seems there is a chance to meet in a larger number within Babylonfest in mid June. Stay tuned.

2 komentáře:

Don Sparling řekl(a)...

One other thing people mentioned in connection with Brno's location is its centrality in Central Europe - the way it's easy to get to places like Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Krakow and so on. (Also of course Prague ...) In other words, within easy reach there are a whole lot of other interesting and culturally rich cities.

Asteroths Apprentice řekl(a)...

Brno Expats? Find out what they think and want at www.brnoexpats.cz